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Important News!

March 22, 2020

Following careful consideration, we have made the decision to postpone our training sessions and competitions for March and April. We hope to reschedule these events in the near future.


We have taken these steps to ensure that the health and wellbeing of our members remain our main priority, as a number of our members have underlying health issues that could put them at risk.


We will announce the rescheduled dates for future boccia sessions as soon as we can. Hope you all keep well and stay safe in this time of concern.

Competition Time!

January 26, 2020

Fellow Blackpool Boccia players! Save these dates in your diaries! Speak to Tony or Colin if you want to enter.


22nd March 2020 - Greenbank (Team Games)


12th July 2020 - Greenbank ( Merseyside Open )


25th October 2020 - Greenbank (Singles)



Winners at Greenbank!

January 26, 2020

Well done to all who took part in the Greenbank Open Singles on Sunday 19th January and to the medal winners: Nick, Jack, Chris M and Craig. Keep up the good work!

Blackpool Boccia Xmas Party!

December 23, 2019

Blackpool Boccia Club had their Christmas Party in The Glasshouse at Staining Golf Club. Everyone had a great time singing on karaoke and dancing. Medals were also given out to the players who took part in the Scott Knight Memorial Cup, well done to Jack Wilding who won the competition. 


Merry Christmas from everyone at Blackpool Boccia Club!

Heathcoat Cup & Greenbank Open Singles

November 16, 2019

Congratulations to all the members who played in the Heathcoat Cup and the Greenbank Singles Open Competitions at Greenbank Sports Centre Liverpool on 20th October 2019. Listed below are some of the medal winners on the day


BC2: Greenbank Open - Chris Morris - Gold Medal 

BC6: Greenbank Open - Carla Woods - Gold Medal

BC8: Greenbank Open - Courtney Holt - Bronze Medal

BC8: Greenbank Open - James Knight - Gold Medal

BC3: Greenbank Open - Jessica Forster - Bronze Medal

BC7: Greenbank Open - Chris Hubberstey - Silver Medal

BC6: Greenbank Open - Mathew Sessions - 4th place


BC6: Heathcoat Cup - Nick Brown - Bronze Medal

BC6: Heathcoat Cup - Jack Wilding - Gold Medal


Well done to all!


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